Request a Review

Interested in requesting a review for your ebook?

Please read the requirements below. Also, please understand that I am an adjunct professor teaching several courses at multiple colleges so during the school year my ability to read more recreationally is limited. That being said, I ask for your patience as I read your work.
  • The book must be published independently, or through a small press publisher i.e. not from the "Big 6."
  • The book needs to be fiction. It can be a short story, novella or a novel. At this time, I'm not interested in reviewing non-fiction, poetry, short story anthologies, or pictorial fiction (think comics and graphic novels).
  • Genres I prefer: action/adventure, historical fiction, science fiction, fantasy, horror, mystery, YA, and literary. 
  • Genres I'm not interested in: erotica, paranormal romance, romance, amish, and excessively gritty/violent fiction. 
How should a review request be submitted?
Please use the following email address for all requests:

Kevin (dot) Moore6842 (at) gmail (dot) com
Supply the following details:
  • Subject heading should be: Review Request for [insert book title here]
  • The email needs to contain a link to where I can read a little more about the book and please include a description of the book. Please do not attach the complete book to the email at this time. I will ask for the book if/when I’m ready to read it.
  • Please be using an email address I can reply to.
I will reject your request if you do the following:
  • Attach marketing or promotional material of any kind to the email.
  • Offer compensation for the review.
  • Send reminders or hassle me about when a review will be completed. I'm a writer and I get it. You really, desperately want to get the word out there about the piece you've written. But please be patient.
  • Ask me to review a corrected copy or ask me to take down a review based on a corrected/revised edition being available. I review what's online currently.
  • Resubmitting a previously submitted work that was rejected. Resubmitting works is probably the quickest way for me to decide to blacklist an author completely
Will I know if a review request has been accepted or rejected?
If I have decided to review your book, I will try to make contact with you through the return email address you provided.  Please understand that a reply may not be forthcoming immediately and I may not be able to give a concrete indication of when the review might take place at this point. However, you will get a reply within a month, that I promise you. I always hated it when reviewers left me hanging.

If I have decided not to review your book, please don't give up! It doesn't mean your book sucks or is no good. It's just not something that appeals to me or I am severely swamped with requests. Shop it around to other reviewers (and there are plenty!) :) 
When I am ready to read the book, I will attempt to contact you and will ask for a gift Kindle copy of the book or a PDF. I'll also ask for relevant author info later on down the road. 
Finally, I will notify the author once the review is posted.

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